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[GM]Elosito [Online]

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Game Policy


    • Description of Services. We offer Eternal Pirates Online as a free online fantasy role-playing game service (the "Service") accessible through the Internet at "http://eternalpirates.com/" (the "Web Site") Where The Users are able to purchase Premium Game Resources (IMPS). To use the Service, you will need to install software, which we make available from the Web Site (the "Software"). Anyone desiring to use the Service is required to establish an Account with us(the "Account").


    • You must be at least 13 years of age to access and use the basic Services, If you are at least 13 years of age or below 18 and wants to use to Purchase IMPS you must read our Refund Policy before any purchase.

    Section I - Account Management

    A.) Account Sharing
    To keep things simple: if your account is shared with another player, Eternal Pirates Online staff cannot offer you any support regarding the return of any stolen, lost, or misplaced items as a result of the account being shared.
    B.) Account Security
    Your account is your responsibility. Make sure it is secure.If your account security is compromised due to reasons you have brought upon yourself (Ex. "Account-Sharing", "Downloading Suspicious Files", "Visiting fake websites", "Giving out your account information"), you will be held accountable and will most likely not get support from our staff. There are some cases in which we would help, but for the most part, we deny those cases.
    Being active is the best way to maintain your account's security. As a general rule, we recommend that players change their password every 1-3 months.
    A great way to protect your character's inventory is using the Lock of Mystic Item. Use of the lock of mystic combined with the "Auto-Lock System" setting in game will keep your inventory secure from any unwanted access.
    Only login to your account in at our official website (http://eternalpirates.com) and game. Don't use the same account information that you might have used in previous game servers or websites.
    C.) Account Suspensions
    1.) Suspending Accounts
    All accounts that are registered and used inside of Eternal Pirates Online, can be suspended at any point of time
    If evidence is found of that account is shared or participating in "hacking, "scamming" of other players.
    If the account is found using abusing "bugs" in the game or website
    If the account owner has previously been suspended before using a different account
    If the account is under suspicion of using fraud or other fake information related to credit cards information, bank account numbers, paypal accounts
    If the account owner has been participating in illegal deeds such as "DDoS", "SQL-Injections", "XSS", "Bruteforce" or any other methods of compromising the game-play of our server. Depending on how severe the attack, legal action may also be taken to provide justice to the criminal(s)
    2.) Re-instating Accounts
    Accounts that have been suspended can only be re-instated (Meaning unbanned) if they fall under the following categories
    i.) Temporarily Suspended
    This is including any temporary suspensions placed on your account done by us either for ensuring your account safety or temporarily suspending a player from playing.
    ii.) Wrongly Accused
    If we find that your account has been wrongly banned (did not deserve a ban), we will re-instate (unban) your account and offer a complete apology

    Section II - Character Management

    A.) Character Sharing
    This corresponds to (Section I. Paragraph A). If you share your character with another person for reasons such as "Pet Leveling", "Player Leveling", "Farming", etc. You will be held accountable and our staff will not help for any reasons in the case that your character gets scammed/hacked.
    B.) Trading
    All acts such as "Trading", "Purchasing from Stalls", "Dropping/Picking Items", "Deleting", are logged as soon as they happen. Trying to hide items from "hacked" characters by using any means of transporting equipment from 1 character to another will be logged and you will get caught.
    1.) Out-of-server trades
    Doing, or attempting to do, any kind of "server-to-server" or "for real money" trading is not supported. If you are caught, your account(s) will be permanently suspended(ban).
    3.) Account Buying/Selling/Trading
    Account selling, buying, and trading for any type of currency is illegal. If you are caught, your account(s) will be permanently suspended(ban).
    4.) Accidental Item Lost
    If you accidentally sell any of your items to npc, accidentally drop any of your items on the ground, wrongly fuse any of your items, or accidentally delete any of your items, you will NOT GET HELPED. Those are YOUR responsibility to watch over
    C.) Cheating
    If you believe a player has somehow obtained an unfair advantage through cheating or other means, please contact us at our [email protected] with details, and we will deal with the situation in a timely manner.

    Section III - Chat Management

    A.) Local/World/Trade Chat
    1.) Advertising
    We are not here to help promote your server. The players advertising websites or any other server in game chat(all channels), will be permanently suspended(ban) from the game.
    2.) Spamming
    Spamming the same message over and over again can be annoying to most players that are trying to enjoy the game. If a staff member is online and catches you doing so, you can be muted for up to 24 hours depending on the offense. There are no warnings
    3.) Flaming
    We all know that this game can get you angry at times, but flaming is not ok. There are many children that play this game and we should not be exposing that to them. If you are caught flaming somebody, you will be muted up to 24 hours. There are no warnings
    4.) Insulting Staff
    If you do not like the staff member, I could care less, but RESPECT THE POSITION. They are here to help and make your life easier. Insulting them is disrespectful and you will be muted for up to 72 hours or banned for 1 week

    Section IV - Bug Reports

    A.) General Bugs
    We will always try our best to fix any bugs that are found, to let players play without worry. However, there are some cases in which we do not know of a bug until somebody reports it and that is where this secion comes in handy!
    1.) Reporting Bugs
    If you would like to report a bug you have found, you can visit our Forum and report it to us there. We will deal with all bugs in the order of urgency.
    B.) Bug Abuse
    Abusing (Finding and not reporting) kind of bug found in our game or website, to gain an unfair advantage over somebody else, will lead to a permanent account suspension (Section I. Paragraph A. Subsection 1. Element II). We expect all players to be honest and ensure that our server will have a safe environment.
    C.) Client Tweaks
    I do not mind that you wish to make your game client more appealing to yourself you can tweak our client game as you can.

    Section V - Hacked Accounts/Characters

    A.) Getting Hacked
    Your hack case in mostly will not be accepted because we do not think its actually hack case but scam or selling real cash or un-safe account. Be very sure you use strong password, lock inventory and never share your account even for your best friend!
    B.) Prevention of Getting Hacked
    Here are some ways that you can prevent your account from getting hacked.
    1.) Use strong passwords
    Many people use weak passwords so it is really easy for people to guess. Use strong passwords. One of my favorite places to get a password is https://passwords-generator.org/. I realize you probably won't remember it. That is why you can save it in a notepad somewhere on your PC.
    2.) Don't use the same password from another server
    You can play as many servers as you wish, that is your choice, but under no circumstances should you use the same accounts on here as you do there. This increases the risk of your account getting targeted.
    3.) Don't visit fake websites
    Most of the times fake websites (phishing websites) have applications that will ask you to "install or upgrade your java" in order to run. These are not real and contain viruses. Once you press ok or allow, the virus will be downloaded onto your PC.
    Other fake websites will tell you to login with your account information to "win free imps" and such. They will NOT deliver. Once you login your information there, their webserver will store it and there goes your account.
    As stated in (Section I. Paragraph B. Subsection 4.), only submit your login information to our official website (http://eternalpirates)
    4.) Don't download random tweaks
    Another way players get hacked is by downloading random tweaks on the web. Some of the tweaks are infested with viruses. If you would like to download tweaks, visit our forum and there are some safe tweaks which are free for everybody to use.
    C.) Reporting a Hack
    In the case that you do get real hack. we will investigate and gives you resolution of the case.
    1.) Reporting
    To report the hack, visit our visit our Facebook fan Page and fill out the form accordingly.
    • Account Name:
    • Character that got hacked:
    • Date/Time you got hacked:
    • How did you get hacked:
    • Items you lost:
    • Your IP Address:
    • Did you share accounts:
    • If you shared accounts, your partner(s) IP address:
    Once you have completed the hacked form, all staff members will be e-mailed and they will be able to view your case and start working on it. Please give us up to 2 weeks considering we have to check through a lot of game logs.

    Section VI - Scammed Accounts/Characters

    A.) Getting Scammed
    Getting scammed is one of the most common ways of "loosing" equipment or items simply by not double checking the trade window, or trusting somebody with your equipment or items.
    B.) Prevention of Getting Scammed
    As stated above, getting scammed sucks. Here are some common ways of preventing getting scammed
    1.) Watch Trade Window
    ALWAYS check what you are getting in the trade. Many times scammers will change the item with something else with a similar icon.
    2.) Record Your Trade
    This is not really a way to "prevent" getting scammed, but in the case you do get scammed. RECORD or SCREENSHOT it. (Recording is better for us)
    3.) Don't be stupid
    Many many many manyyyy times people get scammed is because of their own stupidity. This is the internet. TRUST NOBODY. I do not care if you known them for however many years. UNLESS you can PHYSICALLY talk to them FACE TO FACE in real life, DON'T TRUST THEM.
    Usually if you are doing a big trade, get people who can vouch for the person you are trading. Yes, I know I am contradicting myself from above, but usually if you find 5-10 people (Not friends with the person) who says that they are trustworthy, the chances of you getting scammed is decreased. This does not mean that person would not scam you, just the chances are smaller. There is always a chance for the person to scam you.
    COMMON SENSE IS HELPFUL. If somebody comes to you and say "Hey, let me borrow your equipment for a few minutes. I'll give it right back." I'll say it right now. If you fall for this. You DESERVE to get scammed. Common sense should tell you "Hey, This equipment of mine is really important, should I lend it to somebody I have only known for 3minutes?"
    C.) Reporting a Scam
    In the case you do get scammed because you did not read what I stated above, this is how you should report it.
    Note: You will NOT get anything back. All we will do is ban the scammer(s) to prevent them from using your scammed items.
    1.) Have Proof
    As stated in (Section VI. Paragraph B. Subsection 2.) Record your trade. This is the ONLY way your scam case will be looked at by our staff. If there is no proof, we have nothing to go on.
    2.) Reporting
    To report the scam, visit our Support Center, Forum or Facebook Fan Page and fill out the form using the subject "Scam Case". We will e-mail you back (to the email you specified) about your case progress. Please do not spam us. We will check the email hourly if possible.

    Section VII - Staff Members

    A.) Staff Impersonation
    Our staff members will never ask for your account password Neither do we want you to ever send us your password, this includes in and out of game. Your password is yours only and should not be shared with anyone! Keep in mind that real staff members will have a GM/HD sign ABOVE their head, aswell as "[HD]"/"[GM]" in front of their names. Any other alterations ("(G.M)", "|G|M|", "!GM!") of this is fake!
    Our staff members will NEVER contact you unless you A.) Contact us first, or B.) Ask for help in world/trade chat.
    B.) Current Staff
    As of right now, our current staff members are
    You can view our current staff members using our staff list

    Section VIII - Agreement

    A.) By registering an account, downloading our client, and logging into the game, you agree to all of the statements above and will abide by them.

    B.) If you find any part of this policy confusing, feel free to contact us and we will try to clear up the issue.

    C.) If you find any part of this policy unacceptable to you, you can unistall our game client at any time.