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Changelog - August, 9, 2021

*FC & DC Lv limited increaced to 100
*Same Gender character can be married now.

Changelog - August, 7, 2021

*SandBags Lv6/7/8 from Award center,. has been fixed.-.
*Hell House map Lv limit fixed.

Changelog - July, 30, 2021

*Max Level Character increaced to 150.
*Demencion Map Quests now gives x1 Exp Pamphlet.
*Sand Bag Lv6/7/8 has been added to Award Center
*Eternal & Soro gem option added to Lv4 Gem Combiner Npc.

Changelog - July, 23, 2021.

*CTF map now opens every 3 hours , instead of 6 hours
*Added x10 Custom Apparel Card on Item Mall.
*Great Gem of Colosus & Great Gem of Soul can be forged into Shield/Magic Shield
*Guild limit now is 80, instead of 40

Changelog - July, 1, 2021.

*Spiritual Bolt Skill for SM class now gives chance of x5 damage instead of x3.

Changelog - June, 3, 2021.

*Magic Shield Fixed for Voyager class
*Spiritual Bolt Skill now gives chance of x3 damage on sm and x5 damage on cleric instead of x5 & x7.
*Bolt Skill now gives chance of x3 damage instead of x5.

Changelog - May, 7, 2021.

*IMPS/CREDITS Box has been removed temporally
*CTF portal open time changed to every 6 Hours.
*Required CTF points team, increaced to 50, instead of 30

Changelog - April, 29th, 2021.

*Magic Shield added to Award Center
*Alloy Pickaxe Durability increaced to 400

Changelog - April, 27th, 2021.

*CoE has been removed from Ranking NPC as reward.
*x15 manu/pots added to Ranking NPC reward for 1st place and x10 manu/pots for 2nd place.
*Hell/Dark Little Dragon bonus, Fixed
*Added Gem Combiner/Seller near Winter/Dreamcity/Thundoria Blacksmiths

Changelog - April, 24th, 2021.

*Gem Vouchers has been added on Blacksmith Disciple NPC

Changelog - April, 18th, 2021.

*Icons issue has been Fixed
*Added x3 Custom Apparel Card on Item Mall.
*Great Gem Quest Time Fixed(9AM-12PM/3PM-6PM/9PM-11PM.

Changelog - April, 17th, 2021.

*Hell Little Dragon added to Mall Center

Changelog - April, 15th, 2021.

*New wings added to Mall/Award Center.
*Dark Little Dragon added to Mall Center.
*Bugged Angela Junior from Giveaway was removed.
*Imps/Credits Tokens Fixed.
*Great Quest mobs kill requermient nos is 30 instead of 90
Changelog - April, 14th 2021.

*Imps/Credits box(tokens) has been added to mall/award center.
*Realtime player count added to cha/bh/br portals.

By Administrator on Monday, August 9, 2021