Page Views : 1325
Event Duration: October 30th - November 8th.
Items has been added to the Credits Auction and Points Auction.
Visit Credit Auction | Visit Points Auction
*you need to be login.
Note: the winners will receive their prize on the Next 24-72 hours after the auctions are over. If you do not receive your prize, contact us.
Event Duration: October 30th - November 8th.
Reputation to credits exchange rate will be changed from [1000 rep : 1 credit] to [500 rep : to 1 credit].
Event Duration: October 30th - November 8th.
All exchange amounts are tripled!
1 Hour for 30 Credits
3 Hours for 90 Credits
6 Hours for 180 Credits
12 Hours for 360 Credits
24 Hours for 720 Credits
Event Duration: October 30th - November 8th.
You will now obtain 270 credits from each successful vote instead of 90.
Event Duration: October 31th from 1:00AM to 10:00PM (Server Time).
During this event, the prizes will be changed to a special Halloween Stay Online to win. The system will give out prizes to all players that are online every 3 hours!
*Event time:
October 31st 12:00 PM Server Time
*Event time:
October 31st 12:00 PM Server Time
*Event time:
October 31st 12:00 PM Server Time
*Event time:
October 31st 12:00 PM Server Time
Event Duration: October 21th - October 31st.
Location: Halloween Town portal, 2253, 2685 Argent City.
Collect the most Halloween Cards by hunting mobs in Halloween Town and change them to the trick or treat npc,s.
*Note: The chance to obtain a good item from Trick or Treat Npc,s is NOT 100%.
Duration: October 30th - November 8th
Exp, Drop, Fairy & Ship rates Will be doubled!
Duration: October 30th - November 8th.
In this event, players will create a image for Eternal Pirates Online. Here's a few guidelines:
1. Only 1 Image per Person
2. Image must be about Eternal Pirates & Halloween
3. The prizes will be given at November 9th.
Images will be judged according to, but not limited to, these points:
- Quality of the Image (bonus points for special effects, but not needed)
Image Judge:
- [GM]Andy
Submit your Image in our facebook fan page:
The top 3 Images will receive The following rewards:
15000 IMPS 1st Place
12000 IMPS 2nd Place
9000 IMPS 3rd Place
All participants will also receive a consolation prize.(1000IMPS)
Thanks for playing epo,
Follow @EternalPirates
Halloween Events 2024~
Hello pirates!, Halloween is near and we would like to announce the following events!
Note: Please make sure you read the date that each event will be held.
~Points/Credits Auction Sale~
Event Duration: October 30th - November 8th.
Items has been added to the Credits Auction and Points Auction.
Visit Credit Auction | Visit Points Auction
*you need to be login.
Note: the winners will receive their prize on the Next 24-72 hours after the auctions are over. If you do not receive your prize, contact us.
~Reputation Exchange~
Event Duration: October 30th - November 8th.
Reputation to credits exchange rate will be changed from [1000 rep : 1 credit] to [500 rep : to 1 credit].
~Online for Credits~
Event Duration: October 30th - November 8th.
All exchange amounts are tripled!
1 Hour for 30 Credits
3 Hours for 90 Credits
6 Hours for 180 Credits
12 Hours for 360 Credits
24 Hours for 720 Credits
~Vote for Credits~
Event Duration: October 30th - November 8th.
You will now obtain 270 credits from each successful vote instead of 90.
~Special Stay Online To Win!~
Event Duration: October 31th from 1:00AM to 10:00PM (Server Time).
During this event, the prizes will be changed to a special Halloween Stay Online to win. The system will give out prizes to all players that are online every 3 hours!
~Drop Event~
*Event time:
October 31st 12:00 PM Server Time
~Eternal Chest Lv3 Summon~
*Event time:
October 31st 12:00 PM Server Time
~Stall Event~
*Event time:
October 31st 12:00 PM Server Time
~Bosses Summon~
*Event time:
October 31st 12:00 PM Server Time
~Halloween Town Collection~
Event Duration: October 21th - October 31st.
Location: Halloween Town portal, 2253, 2685 Argent City.
Collect the most Halloween Cards by hunting mobs in Halloween Town and change them to the trick or treat npc,s.
*Note: The chance to obtain a good item from Trick or Treat Npc,s is NOT 100%.
~Double Server Rates~
Duration: October 30th - November 8th
Exp, Drop, Fairy & Ship rates Will be doubled!
~Halloween Image Contest~
Duration: October 30th - November 8th.
In this event, players will create a image for Eternal Pirates Online. Here's a few guidelines:
1. Only 1 Image per Person
2. Image must be about Eternal Pirates & Halloween
3. The prizes will be given at November 9th.
Images will be judged according to, but not limited to, these points:
- Quality of the Image (bonus points for special effects, but not needed)
Image Judge:
- [GM]Andy
Submit your Image in our facebook fan page:
The top 3 Images will receive The following rewards:
15000 IMPS 1st Place
12000 IMPS 2nd Place
9000 IMPS 3rd Place
All participants will also receive a consolation prize.(1000IMPS)
Thanks for playing epo,