Page Views : 197
Event Duration: March 21st - March 31st.
Server Exp/Drop rates Will be double!
Event Duration: March 21st - March 31st.
Reputation to credits exchange rate will be changed from [1000 rep : 1 credit] to [500 rep : to 1 credit]
Event Duration: March 21st - March 31st.
All exchange amounts are Doubled!
Rate: 1 Hour = 20 Credits
Event Duration: March 21st - March 31st.
You will now obtain 180 credits from each successful vote instead of 90.
Items has been added to Credit Auction | Visit Credit Auction
Event Duration 1: March 24th, from 1:00AM to 10:00PM (Server Time)
Event Duration 2: March 31th, from 1:00AM to 10:00PM (Server Time)
During this event, the system will give out prizes to all players that are online every 3 hours! Each player will have 8 chances to obtain prizes just being online!
*Event time:
March 22nd 1:00 PM Server Time
March 29th 1:00 PM Server Time
*Event time:
March 22nd 1:10 PM Server Time
March 29th 1:10 PM Server Time
*Event time:
March 22nd 1:20 PM Server Time
March 29th 1:20 PM Server Time
Location: outside of Argent City.
*Event time:
March 22nd 1:30 PM Server Time
March 29th 1:30 PM Server Time
Location: outside of Argent City.
*Event time:
March 22nd 1:00 PM Server Time
March 29th 1:00 PM Server Time
How to Play: System says " nlaeter " first person to say "eternal" will win. This is just an example, there will be another words.
- Once you win, you cannot participate in this event again.
- Capitalization and spelling must be EXACT
- We have all rights to kick out whoever we do not see following the rules.
Note*: Prize are 1500 IMPS
Note**: There will be x10 Rounds
*Event Time: March 29th - 2:00 PM Server Time.
*Team Slots: 4,6 or 8, depends how many participants.(teams will be taken by the gm).
**1 Champion or 2 Magic Class are alloweed in team.(can be 1
champ + 1 magic or 2 magic without champ).
***make sure your character has 20 HONOR or more.
****it can be x3 crus or x3 ss or mixed in team.
*****Dualing,Buff,Pots,Manu are allowed.
1st: 3000 IMPs each player in party team
2nd: 2000 IMPs each player in party team
3rd: 1000 IMPs each player in party team
4th: 500 IMPS each player in party team
*Event Duration: March 22th - March 31th Server Time.[Extended to April 7th]
*Make sure your video sent to our Official Facebook Page
Theme: Promoting Our Server
-all related to promote the server
-why ppl should join our server
-our Logo
-website link
-show your creativity
-Upload in youtube with header "Eternal Pirates Online | 6th Anniversary" and make sure to contain game's website "" in your video description.
Fill This Form send to our facebook page inbox
*Char Name :
*Video Link (youtube) :
-1st winner : 10000 imps
-2nd Winner : 7000 imps
-3rd winner : 4000 imps
-4th+ (participate) : 1000 imps
-All contestant will be judge by Admin(Andy)
*How to upload/sent my video?
-After your video is done, upload in youtube.
*Make sure video title in Youtube is "Eternal Pirates Online | 6th Anniversary"
-Website :
*Facobook Page
Follow @EternalPirates
6th Anniversary Events~
The 6th Anniversary of eternalpirates is here, and we have a tons of events prepared to celebrate!
Make sure to LIKE our official Facebook page as there will be some exclusive events! Official Facebook Page
Also we have Discord Chat! Join now! Official Discord
Note: All dates/times are based off the server time.
Double Server Rates
Event Duration: March 21st - March 31st.
Server Exp/Drop rates Will be double!
Reputation Exchange
Event Duration: March 21st - March 31st.
Reputation to credits exchange rate will be changed from [1000 rep : 1 credit] to [500 rep : to 1 credit]
Online For Credits
Event Duration: March 21st - March 31st.
All exchange amounts are Doubled!
Rate: 1 Hour = 20 Credits
Vote for Credits
Event Duration: March 21st - March 31st.
You will now obtain 180 credits from each successful vote instead of 90.
Auction Credits
Items has been added to Credit Auction
Special Stay Online to Win
Event Duration 1: March 24th, from 1:00AM to 10:00PM (Server Time)
Event Duration 2: March 31th, from 1:00AM to 10:00PM (Server Time)
During this event, the system will give out prizes to all players that are online every 3 hours! Each player will have 8 chances to obtain prizes just being online!
Drop Event
*Event time:
March 22nd 1:00 PM Server Time
March 29th 1:00 PM Server Time
Set Stall Event
*Event time:
March 22nd 1:10 PM Server Time
March 29th 1:10 PM Server Time
Eternal Chest Summon
*Event time:
March 22nd 1:20 PM Server Time
March 29th 1:20 PM Server Time
Location: outside of Argent City.
Bosses Summon
*Event time:
March 22nd 1:30 PM Server Time
March 29th 1:30 PM Server Time
Location: outside of Argent City.
Unscramble Words
*Event time:
March 22nd 1:00 PM Server Time
March 29th 1:00 PM Server Time
How to Play: System says " nlaeter " first person to say "eternal" will win. This is just an example, there will be another words.
- Once you win, you cannot participate in this event again.
- Capitalization and spelling must be EXACT
- We have all rights to kick out whoever we do not see following the rules.
Note*: Prize are 1500 IMPS
Note**: There will be x10 Rounds
M vs M Event
*Event Time: March 29th - 2:00 PM Server Time.
*Team Slots: 4,6 or 8, depends how many participants.(teams will be taken by the gm).
**1 Champion or 2 Magic Class are alloweed in team.(can be 1
champ + 1 magic or 2 magic without champ).
***make sure your character has 20 HONOR or more.
****it can be x3 crus or x3 ss or mixed in team.
*****Dualing,Buff,Pots,Manu are allowed.
1st: 3000 IMPs each player in party team
2nd: 2000 IMPs each player in party team
3rd: 1000 IMPs each player in party team
4th: 500 IMPS each player in party team
6th Anniversary Video Contest ~
*Event Duration: March 22th - March 31th Server Time.[Extended to April 7th]
*Make sure your video sent to our Official Facebook Page
Theme: Promoting Our Server
-all related to promote the server
-why ppl should join our server
-our Logo
-website link
-show your creativity
-Upload in youtube with header "Eternal Pirates Online | 6th Anniversary" and make sure to contain game's website "" in your video description.
Fill This Form send to our facebook page inbox
*Char Name :
*Video Link (youtube) :
-1st winner : 10000 imps
-2nd Winner : 7000 imps
-3rd winner : 4000 imps
-4th+ (participate) : 1000 imps
-All contestant will be judge by Admin(Andy)
*How to upload/sent my video?
-After your video is done, upload in youtube.
*Make sure video title in Youtube is "Eternal Pirates Online | 6th Anniversary"
-Website :
*Facobook Page