Page Views : 194
Duration: December 23rd, 2018 - January 3rd, 2019.
All exchange amounts are quintupled!
Rate: 1 Hour = 25 Credits
Duration: December 23rd, 2018 - January 3rd, 2019.
You will now obtain 120 credits from each successful vote instead of 60.
Duration: December 23rd, 2018 - January 1st, 2019.
Visit Credit Auction | Visit IMPs Auction
Time Period 1: December 25th, 2018 from 1:00AM to 10:00PM (Server Time)
Time Period 2: January 1st, 2019 from 1:00AM to 10:00PM (Server Time)
During this event, the system will give out prizes to all players that are online every 3 hours! Each player will have 8 chances to obtain prizes just be being online!
*Event time:
December 24th 11:00 AM Server Time
December 31th 11:00 AM Server Time
*Event time:
December 24th 11:00 AM Server Time
December 31th 11:00 AM Server Time
How to Play: System says " nlaeter " first person to say "eternal" will win. This is just an example, there will be another words.
- Once you win, you cannot participate in this event again.
- Capitalization and spelling must be EXACT
- We have all rights to kick out whoever we do not see following the rules.
Note*: Prize are 1500 IMPS
Note*: There will be x10 Rounds
*Event time:
December 24th 11:00 AM Server Time
December 31th 11:00 AM Server Time
- Once you win, you cannot participate in this event again.
- We have all rights to kick out whoever we do not see following the rules.
Note*: there will be x5 rounds.
*Event time:
December 24th 11:00 AM Server Time
December 31th 11:00 AM Server Time
*Event time:
December 24th 11:00 AM Server Time
December 31th 11:00 AM Server Time
Location: outside of Argent City
*Event time:
December 24th 11:00 AM Server Time
December 31th 11:00 AM Server Time
Location: Outside of Shaitan City
*Event time:
December 24th 11:00 AM Server Time
December 31th 11:00 AM Server Time
*Buff,Pots,Manu are allowed.
-Events time: December 30th - 11:00 AM Server Time.
1st: 5000 IMPs each player in party team
2nd: 3000 IMPs each player in party team
3rd: 1500 IMPs each player in party team
Duration: Sunday, December 23rd 3:00 PM - 11:59 PM
Tell us your wish for Christmas
on facebook post!
Christmas Wish Event Post
We will be picking 30 random players and granting them a surprise!
Please follow the following format:
Your Christmas wish
your Character name
Your picture of your character inside of Christmas Village
The winners names will be posted on our Facebook page and your prizes will be delivered to your account!
Christmas Village has opened and you can find the teleporter to the village at Argent City 2201, 2777
Inside Christmas village you will gain snowballs depending on how long you stay in there. You can exchange snowballs for fireworks at the many christmas trees located around the map.
You can also exchange Christmas greeting Cards for Lottery Christmas Card* at the Mini Christmas Trees.
Lottery Christmas Card gives you a random prizes
*Hacker Fighter Summon Scroll *Reindeer Summon Scroll *Santa Summon Scroll *EXP Pamphlet Chest *Holiday Pack *Little Dragon Pet.
Event duration: Dec, 24th, 12:01 AM - 11:59 PM, 2018.
Note: Xmas Monsters from around main citys Drops Christmas greeting Card.
Note*: Christmas Village will be available until January 3rd, 2018.
Santa Claus has turned evil and is seeking revenge on all of the players!
*This is a PK map! be carefull.
[Opening Times]
-The map opens every [3 hours]
-The portal stays open for [30 Mins]
-The map stays open for [45 Mins]
-The portal can be found at (130,156) Christmas Village
-Evil Santa Claus
Drops: *Cake *Eternal Speed Potion *Christmas Lollipop
Note: Reverse Christmas Village will be available until January 3rd, 2018.
Christmas Socks can be dropped by Xmas Monsters in arround the main citys.
This item will only be available for open, 23:00, Dec 24th to 6:00, Dec 25th and gives you a random Gem, Great Gem & Rage/Sage Master gem included.
Event duration: December 25th, 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM, 2018.
Santa is here and you will have the chance of get your present. exchange your Christmas greeting Cards for gifts.
Santa Location: 143, 168 Xmas Village
Note: Xmas Monsters from around main citys Drops the Christmas Greeting Card.
Duration: December 25th - January 1st.
Server rates Will be x2!
Follow @EternalPirates
Xmas & New Year Events[Ended]
The holidays are here and we have a tons of events prepared to celebrate these days!
Since this is the giving season, we're giving out more rewards with plenty of new events for you all!
For more events please Like our Official Facebook Page
you can joind our Discord Channel also! Official Discord
Note: All dates/times are based off the server time.
Online For Credits~
Duration: December 23rd, 2018 - January 3rd, 2019.
All exchange amounts are quintupled!
Rate: 1 Hour = 25 Credits
Vote for Credits~
Duration: December 23rd, 2018 - January 3rd, 2019.
You will now obtain 120 credits from each successful vote instead of 60.
Auction Points & Credits~
Duration: December 23rd, 2018 - January 1st, 2019.
Visit Credit Auction
Special Stay online to win~
Time Period 1: December 25th, 2018 from 1:00AM to 10:00PM (Server Time)
Time Period 2: January 1st, 2019 from 1:00AM to 10:00PM (Server Time)
During this event, the system will give out prizes to all players that are online every 3 hours! Each player will have 8 chances to obtain prizes just be being online!
Drop Event~
*Event time:
December 24th 11:00 AM Server Time
December 31th 11:00 AM Server Time
Unscramble words~
*Event time:
December 24th 11:00 AM Server Time
December 31th 11:00 AM Server Time
How to Play: System says " nlaeter " first person to say "eternal" will win. This is just an example, there will be another words.
- Once you win, you cannot participate in this event again.
- Capitalization and spelling must be EXACT
- We have all rights to kick out whoever we do not see following the rules.
Note*: Prize are 1500 IMPS
Note*: There will be x10 Rounds
Hide and Seek~
*Event time:
December 24th 11:00 AM Server Time
December 31th 11:00 AM Server Time
- Once you win, you cannot participate in this event again.
- We have all rights to kick out whoever we do not see following the rules.
Note*: there will be x5 rounds.
Eternal Chest Lv3 Summon~
*Event time:
December 24th 11:00 AM Server Time
December 31th 11:00 AM Server Time
Bosses Summon~
*Event time:
December 24th 11:00 AM Server Time
December 31th 11:00 AM Server Time
Location: outside of Argent City
Sand Bags Summon~
*Event time:
December 24th 11:00 AM Server Time
December 31th 11:00 AM Server Time
Location: Outside of Shaitan City
Stall Event~
*Event time:
December 24th 11:00 AM Server Time
December 31th 11:00 AM Server Time
MvsM Event~
*Buff,Pots,Manu are allowed.
-Events time: December 30th - 11:00 AM Server Time.
1st: 5000 IMPs each player in party team
2nd: 3000 IMPs each player in party team
3rd: 1500 IMPs each player in party team
Christmas Wish Event~
Duration: Sunday, December 23rd 3:00 PM - 11:59 PM
Tell us your wish for Christmas
on facebook post!
We will be picking 30 random players and granting them a surprise!
Please follow the following format:
Your Christmas wish
your Character name
Your picture of your character inside of Christmas Village
The winners names will be posted on our Facebook page and your prizes will be delivered to your account!
Christmas Village~
Christmas Village has opened and you can find the teleporter to the village at Argent City 2201, 2777
Inside Christmas village you will gain snowballs depending on how long you stay in there. You can exchange snowballs for fireworks at the many christmas trees located around the map.
You can also exchange Christmas greeting Cards for Lottery Christmas Card* at the Mini Christmas Trees.
Lottery Christmas Card gives you a random prizes
*Hacker Fighter Summon Scroll *Reindeer Summon Scroll *Santa Summon Scroll *EXP Pamphlet Chest *Holiday Pack *Little Dragon Pet.
Event duration: Dec, 24th, 12:01 AM - 11:59 PM, 2018.
Note: Xmas Monsters from around main citys Drops Christmas greeting Card.
Note*: Christmas Village will be available until January 3rd, 2018.
Reverse Christmas Village~
Santa Claus has turned evil and is seeking revenge on all of the players!
*This is a PK map! be carefull.
[Opening Times]
-The map opens every [3 hours]
-The portal stays open for [30 Mins]
-The map stays open for [45 Mins]
-The portal can be found at (130,156) Christmas Village
-Evil Santa Claus
Drops: *Cake *Eternal Speed Potion *Christmas Lollipop
Note: Reverse Christmas Village will be available until January 3rd, 2018.
Christmas Sock~
Christmas Socks can be dropped by Xmas Monsters in arround the main citys.
This item will only be available for open, 23:00, Dec 24th to 6:00, Dec 25th and gives you a random Gem, Great Gem & Rage/Sage Master gem included.
Santa is Here~
Event duration: December 25th, 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM, 2018.
Santa is here and you will have the chance of get your present. exchange your Christmas greeting Cards for gifts.
Santa Location: 143, 168 Xmas Village
Note: Xmas Monsters from around main citys Drops the Christmas Greeting Card.
x2 Server Rates~
Duration: December 25th - January 1st.
Server rates Will be x2!